Anticoagulation Clinic

Anticoagulation Clinic

The Anticoagulation Clinic at the Mid-Cities Cardiac Care Center is a specialty clinic led by a medical assistant that focuses on the management of patients taking warfarin by “point-of-care” testing. We provide education, blood testing, and dosing instructions for patients taking anticoagulants (blood thinners). The Anticoagulation Clinic staff work closely with other members of your healthcare team to ensure that your medical needs are addressed.

Studies have shown that patients enrolled in an anticoagulation clinic have better INR control, better outcomes and fewer problems.

Patient Frequently Asked Questions

What is an anticoagulent?

“Anti” means against and “coagulant” means clotting. Anticoagulants are often called "blood thinners" because these medicines work on the clotting system in the body to help prevent the formation of blood clots. Anticoagulants are prescribed for a variety of conditions, and regular monitoring and adjustments are often necessary to make sure your condition is appropriately treated. The most commonly used anticoagulant is called warfarin, but it is also known by its brand names Coumadin® and Jantoven®.

What happens at an Anticoagulation Clinic appointment?

The majority of patients who are referred to Mid-Cities Cardiac Care Center Anticoagulation Clinics are taking warfarin. This medicine requires a blood test called International Normalized Ratio (INR). This blood test tells the healthcare provider how much or how little the medicine is working to prevent blood clots. The INR test usually requires a simple finger stick for blood, and the result is available within seconds. As soon as the results are available, the Anticoagulation Clinic health care provider has a face-to-face visit with the patient where the results are discussed. A bleeding risk assessment is conducted, education is provided, and adjustment of medicine dosing, if necessary, is determined. Prior to leaving the office, the patient is provided with written instructions about what was discussed during the visit, and when to return for future testing.

The Anticoagulation Clinics will also:

  • Instruct you in the medication dosage and how to take it safely.
  • Help you understand how your diet and medicines will affect your medication‘s effectiveness.
  • Help you be aware of warning signs and other indicators while taking anticoagulants.
  • Help you to know what to do if you are ill or injured.
  • Allow you to ask questions are welcome at any time, either at appointments or by phone.
  • Allow you to include family members and caregivers during appointments so that they may also understand your condition and treatment plan.

I'm taking an anticoagulant other than warfarin. How can the Anticoagulation Clinics assist me?

The Anticoagulation Clinics also manage patients who are anticoagulated with other medications. These medications include heparin and enoxaparin (Lovenox®), dabigatran (Pradaxa), Rivaroxaban (Xarelto®), apixaban (Eliquis®), and edoxaban. The Anticoagulation clinics provide information, assist with dosing requirements, and help you successfully manage your medication.

What are the colors and strengths of warfarin tablets?

Warfarin tablets come in several different shapes (round, oblong, oval) because there are several companies that make the tablets. All warfarin tablets use the same color and strength code shown below.